Education and Training in Optics
and Photonics

We are happy to welcome you in Québec City for ETOP, from May 21-24, 2019.
ETOP is a biennial conference that brings together leading optics and photonics educators
from all around the world and from all levels and orientations to discuss, demonstrate
and learn about new developments and approaches to teaching in these fields.
Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops and exhibits, it is the intent
of this conference to inform professors, students, teachers and professional trainers
on how to teach optics and photonics for the future.

Download the call for papers

Submit a paper to ETOP 2019

Conference topics include continuous education in optics and training for the industry


You understand the importance of education and continuous training for the competitiveness of your company and the economic development in your sector? Join us to discuss how education in optics and photonics can be tailored to industry needs.

Seminars about laboratory training, lecture-based learning and modern teaching models


You enjoy research and are also passionnate about teaching the next generation of physicists, laser scientists and optical designers? We are eager to learn about your teaching techniques, new curriculum and programs.

Presentations about teaching light sciences with new technologies


You prepare college students for their future as technicians or for the continuation of their education? Have you tried out new methods such as virtual classrooms and open-source platforms for teaching optics? Tell us about your innovating teaching practices.

Teaching optics and photonics for primary school, middle school and high school


Sparking young people's interest in optics and photonics is your motivation? Show us how optics is included in the K-12 curriculum and what marvellous experiments you've prepared for K-12 students.

Workshops about outreach education in optics and photonics


How great it is to share your passion about optics and photonics through awesome activities and long term outreach programs! Inspire us with your creativity to increase awareness about the sciences of light.

Subjects related to challenges and opportunities in education in optics and photonics are welcome

Optics enthusiast

ETOP is also for you! All topics related to education and training in optics and photonics are welcome, and so are you. We favor diversity and inclusiveness in all aspects of the event.

Ready to participate?

The ETOP 2019 organization is looking forward to welcoming you in Québec, in May 2019.